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am stereo
Posts: 312
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Topic starterдемек лъжеш преампа,че свири диск и изхода е вход

On the backside of a 680 you will find L&R CD OUT jacks.These will work the opposite way (in) if you trick the CD player into thinking it is playing sound.To do this you have to get a data CD for the CD drive to track.By Data CD I mean anything with data,a program installation CD,burned or factory produced.Find one with the most content on it.This might be easier with a home burned CD as you can easily tell the difference between the burned and unburned area of the laser tracked side of the disc.(remember a CD tracks from center to edge which is reverse of how a needle tracks vinyl records).

Next you will need a cable with a male stereo headphone jack on one end and L&R male RCA jacks on the other end.These can be found at Radio shack or online.Plug the male headphone jack into your players headphone input.Plug the RCA jacks on the other end into the CD out jacks on the rear of the 680.Put the data CD into the audio CD player on the 680.Press play on the 680s CD player.

For some reason the 680 will look at the amount of data on the data CD as music.However full the CD is will translate into the number of minutes the laser will continue to track.Though it will read off the minutes as it tracks the CD there isn't actually any sound on the disc,a least not in a format the CD player will understand.What this does accomplish is the opening of the RCA jacks to accept the sound coming in from the direction of the MP3 player,opposite the direction the designers intended the jacks to be used.

A completely full burned CD will track for 80 minutes.After it finishes tracking during which time you hear your music,the sound will stop being audible until you press play on the 680 again.The sensitivity of the jacks is near CD loudness for a given volume level on the 680.

Keep in mind you will have two volume controls,one on the mp3 player and the one on the boombox.It's a good idea not to use the mp3 players volume set to max. as you might hear a breakup in the sound.Id say 75% to 80% volume on your MP3 player might be a good setting to use to avoid this.Also VERY IMPORTANT make sure all special EQ settings,spacial enhancement processing is turned off on your MP3 player or you might find yourself with an unexpectedly strange listening experience.The spacial setting in particularly are meant for an expansive sound between your ears and in your head and will sound particularly odd out your 680 speakers.

I've tried this trick on some other bioxes having a CD Out with mixed results.Some work and some don't (I've heard only static on some boxes)

Всички електронни компоненти са направени от кондензиран пушек...Sent from my Vostro 470 using On-Screen KeyboardRAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 and RAID 10

Posted : 23.03.2014 12:21
Posts: 211
Reputable Member

Не разбрах, какво се пита, но е факт, изхода може да се използва и като вход към крайното стъпало, важно е как ще се превлючат източниците за да не се смеси сигнала.

Умния човек не казва и половината от това което знае, а глупавия не разбира нищо от това което говори. Lao Tzu.

Професионализмът не е в това да не допускаш грешки, а да си направил всички възможни грешки, в най-тясната област.

Posted : 09.05.2014 23:23